

Quienes Somos

Creamos Lujo a Mano con Pasión y Excelencia.

MAYKANA es la línea de producción de muebles de exportación que la empresa Bakerwoods Ecuador ha ideado para atender la creciente demanda en los mercados internacionales por muebles sofisticados con diseños innovadores y que incluyan materiales exóticos únicos hechos a mano y muy apreciados por su exquisita belleza natural.

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Años de Experiencia

Nuestros muebles de lujo hechos a mano son la elección preferida de marcas distinguidas

Transforma tu hogar con lujo y estilo. ¡Haz tu sueño realidad!

Muebles con líneas sobrias y diseño de vanguardia que renuevan tu espacio con arte y belleza.

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Nuestra Historia

Lujo en cada detalle, tus muebles, tu estilo!

MAYKANA es una palabra que proviene del Quichua, lengua milenaria hablada por los Incas en Latinoamerica.  Los Incas fueron aborígenes nativos sudamericanos y el reino mas importante de lo que hoy es America del Sur.

MAYKANA era el nombre que los Incas daban a sus muebles fabricados con materiales valiosos.

Actualmente MAYKANA es la creación de muebles de vanguardia con inspiración en el arte milenario, que busca entregar al mundo parte de nuestra esencia ancestral en cada detalles de pieza artesanal incrustada en sus finos muebles.

Descubre el lujo exótico

Cada mueble es una obra maestra, cuidadosamente elaborada para añadir un toque de sofisticación. y autenticidad a tu espacio.

Kitchen Styles

  1. Modern – which is characterized by straight, soft and simple lines; with solid colors that further enlarge the space.

  2. Classic – with a predominance of natural wood veneer panels and with variety of light colors, is the type of furniture that is usually placed in kitchen areas that relates to ornamental and/or  formal requirements.

  3. Minimalist – with fine and very elegant shapes. They are very stylish kitchens.

  4. Rustic – where wood and stone are present with stylish predominance, creating melancholic but beautiful countryside homes. But don’t worry. You can create this decorative style even if you live in the center of a big city.

  5. Avant-garde – the most daring style with constant combinations of light and dark colors to create fantastic contrasts.

  6. Industrial – which have also become very fashionable. Iron is the most used element with unfinished panels. They usually go very well in open spaces such as lofts.

Kitchen Styles

  1. Modern – which is characterized by straight, soft and simple lines; with solid colors that further enlarge the space.

  2. Classic – with a predominance of natural wood veneer panels and with variety of light colors, is the type of furniture that is usually placed in kitchen areas that relates to ornamental and/or  formal requirements.

  3. Minimalist – with fine and very elegant shapes. They are very stylish kitchens.

  4. Rustic – where wood and stone are present with stylish predominance, creating melancholic but beautiful countryside homes. But don’t worry. You can create this decorative style even if you live in the center of a big city.

  5. Avant-garde – the most daring style with constant combinations of light and dark colors to create fantastic contrasts.

  6. Industrial – which have also become very fashionable. Iron is the most used element with unfinished panels. They usually go very well in open spaces such as lofts.
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